Proud to be a Jersey Boy
While New York is usually ahead of the curve on most things over my home state of New Jersey, not so with civil unions. Last Fall the NJ Supreme Court voted to guarantee gay couples the same rights and privileges as straight married couples, making it the third state in the country to do so. Today was the first day NJ granted such civil unions. Couples started lining up last night at various municipal offices around the state for the stroke of midnight to be among the first to participate.Below meet couple number one, Steven Goldstein and Daniel Gross, who tied their legal knot in Teaneck, NJ just after midnight. Mazel Tov, boys!
Update: Asbury Park, NJ's city manager, Terence J. Reidy: “Come to Asbury Park, baby, where it all happens.” Check out the NY Times article on the history of NJ Civil Unions.
Labels: Gay Culture, Gay Politics, History, Jersey Shore, New Jersey
Congratulations to New Jersey for the introduction of civil unions.
Also cogratulations to the first couple getting unioned.
we have had civil unions here for the past 2 or 3 years. I hope the rest of America including New York recognise them soon.
Kev in NZ
I'm still on the Board of Directors for one of the largest GLBT PAC's in California. CA has Domestic Partners, which over the years has slowly added to its framework so now it is essentially marriage without the title and Federal benefits.
We should find out this year if we can go the next step to "marriage". Both houses of the legislature passed it last year but the Governator vetoed it and passed it off to the courts. The CA Supreme Court will decide this year if the anti-same-sex marriage Proposition 22 that passed years ago is Constitutional.
If they say it is unconstitutional, there will be a race between the legislature to pass SSMs and the theocons to pass a constitutional amendment. They tried to get it on the ballot this year but couldn't rouse enough signatures.
I'll be happy once civil unions are nationwide. *daydreams*
wow that is great to hear...progress does come eventually. when they have such legislation in states like kentucky or mississippi then i will be in total awe.
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