Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I've finally made the difficult decision to put my blog in semi-retirement.  I've not been able to give it the attention I would like since I've started graduate school.  My work load and schedule here get more and more hectic.  Despite the fact that I've had several post ideas over the last couple of weeks, I simply don't have time to sit down and write them.  

This blog has been been a wonderful outlet for me over the past two years, giving me confidence in my writing abilities, providing a creative focus, and connecting me to lots of new friends and fellow bloggers.  I will miss it.  But I'm not burying it forever.  I'm sure there will be the occasional blog post I just have to get off my chest and will need a place to go with it, so check back from time to time just in case.  But for now--thanks for reading!



At 9:41 PM, Blogger LSL said...

Oh Michael! So sorry to hear this. I was thinking about you last night and wondering how school is going. I was hoping to meet for coffee sometime during one of my trips to DC . . . keep in touch when you can! Sending lots and lots of good thoughts. Don't get a stranger.

At 9:58 PM, Blogger Gavin said...

We'll be here when you come back.

You are so lucky that you'll be in DC for the zoo that will be Inauguration Day!

At 12:19 PM, Blogger Todd HellsKitchen said...

Enjoy your vacation!

At 9:31 AM, Blogger Scott in Iowa said...

We'll be patiently waiting right here!

At 11:14 AM, Blogger judy said...

We'll so miss your wit and wisdom, but we all understand your commitment to follow your passion. Good for you. We will check back from time to time hoping that this incredible year in history will occasionally tempt you back to your blog spot.

See you soon. We'll be waiting.


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